
Exum builds instruments and software ecosystems to increase the speed of development and discovery, offering easy access to high-performance at a low-cost.

Intuitive Interface

Exum tools are built with the optimal user experience in mind—designed to be as easy to use as your smartphone.

High impact tech

We capture the capabilities, precision and accuracy of a lab’s worth of equipment into one centralized instrument.

solid sample analysis

By directly analyzing any solid material, Massbox eliminates the complicated sample preparation procedures required by other techniques.

Affordable and Efficient

We have optimized the speed at which the tool is operated, samples are analyzed and reports are produced.

Our Vision

Exum strives to give scientists and professionals the tools and experience they deserve. We leverage new technologies with modern design sensibilities to change the scientific instrumentation market. The Massbox is only the first step in the creation of a new standard in your lab.


The Exum team, combined with our industry partners, have decades of experience and have utilized every common analytical technique available in modern labs.  These experiences inspired us to create something different—an instrument that answers the headaches of users everywhere.


Exum has delivered 5 instruments and counting! Each time, the Massbox was up and running within a few hours and users were trained within a day.


After years of development, we delivered our first commercial product to an amazing team of people - ELEMENTUM 3D!


Exum demonstrated commercial traction including Phase I SBIR Grant from NIST, Gold Prize from MassChallenge Startup Accelerator, and AFWERX Phase I SBIR 21.2B Cohort


The Massbox was redesigned from the ground up to be more robust, reliable, portable and useable and it was  released publicly at Pittcon 2020!


Exum used the success of this first instrument to raise a larger series seed round of funding to take this prototype and transform it into a product. During this time, Exum also built a team that made this possible. The first product ready prototype was built, delivered and tested.


Built in a garage, the first prototype successfully demonstrated the LALI concept. This attracted equity partners, TOFWerk and ESI, to design and produce the first instrument, and investment from Free Radical Ventures turned the idea into a reality. 


Exum was founded with the idea of Laser Ablation Laser Ionization (LALI).


Exum has pulled from its network some of the top players in the industry.

This team is made up of hard-working, talented individuals who understand what work life balance looks like. Having created a tool that works every time allows them to take advantage of the great outdoors around Exum’s two offices in Denver and Albuquerque.

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