August 25, 2023

Exum Prepares For Formnext Forum Austin

Are you as thrilled as we are about the upcoming Formnext Forum Austin?

Swing by and pay us a visit at Booth #405 to witness how quickly you can delve into the chemistry of powders or printed parts. Navigating the user interface of the Massbox is as intuitive as using your favorite smartphone app. Seamlessly interact with the technology that's reshaping the way we understand material composition.

Discover how our esteemed advanced manufacturing clientele is harnessing the power of the Massbox for a variety of applications, including virgin and reused powder quality control, material development, failure analysis, and so much more.

Waste no time – book your demo today using the link provided below. Your journey into the future of manufacturing awaits!

Book Your Demo Now:

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Exum builds instruments and software ecosystems to increase the speed of development and discovery, offering easy access to high-performance at a low-cost.

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